City of Princeton 

Home of the Famous Flea Market and Historic Downtown on the Fox

Electric Rates

Electric rates are subject to approval of the Public Service Commission (PSC).  When adjustments to the electric rates are warranted, the utility submits an application to the PSC.  Upon review of the application, the PSC proposes rates and schedules a public hearing.  After the hearing, the proposed rates are either approved or disapproved.


Tarrifs are rules that govern the operation of the utility and are subject to approval of the Public Service Commission (PSC).  When adjustments to the water rules are warranted, the utility submits an application to the PSC.  Upon review of the application, the PSC schedules a public hearing.  After the hearing, the proposed tarrifs are either approved or disapproved.

531 South Fulton Street / PO BOX 53, Princeton, WI 54968 / Regular Business Hours 7:00AM - Noon & 1:00- 3:30PM Mon. thru Fri. (920) 295-6612