City of Princeton 

Home of the Famous Flea Market and Historic Downtown on the Fox

Permanent Burial Information kept at City Hall

Creating an inventory of the gravesites within the cemetery was undertaken in 2014. City staff gathered information from the website and created a file inventory of the burials. With the information kept at City Hall, the 20+ binders have individual sheets for each gravesite along the site location for many graves.

Family and friends are encouraged to provide supplemental information which can be added to the file. To date, some of the items provided have been funeral cards, obituaries, stories about relatives, and photos. Information can be brought into City Hall or contact Cheryle Nickel at

This information will provide a living history for years to come.


531 South Fulton Street / PO BOX 53, Princeton, WI 54968 / Regular Business Hours 7:00AM - Noon & 1:00- 3:30PM Mon. thru Fri. (920) 295-6612