City of Princeton 

Home of the Famous Flea Market and Historic Downtown on the Fox

2018 Cemetery Projects, Wall Restoration, Gravestone Cleaning, Donations and Fund Raisers


James Crubaugh and Monica  Bohman   $110.00

City of Princeton Staff donation in Memory of Ruth Scherbarth   $50.00

Irene Treder in Memory of Harry Treder  $100.00

West Hunting Studio Glass, Wes Hunting and West Hunting Jr.   $100.00

Several walls have been restored through donations and fund raising
Several walls have been restored through donations and fund raising

Sally Lehner Eickelmann   $500.00

The Family of E. H. Mevis   $50.00

Richard Hebbe   $20.00

Ernie Schmidt    $25.00

Sara Mueller   $100.00



On April 12, 2018 City Staff and Local Volunteers cleaned gravestones and the grounds.
On April 12, 2018 City Staff and Local Volunteers cleaned gravestones and the grounds.
Gwen Rutkowski (CA) $1,000.00

Rebecca Rutkowski (CA)  $1,000.00

John and Debbie Baker (FL)  $300.00




February 1 & 2 Bake Sale at City Hall  $208.00


A February Bake Sale is an annual fund raiser for the Cemetery Restoration
A February Bake Sale is an annual fund raiser for the Cemetery Restoration
May 11 & 12 Bake Sale at Community Hall  $135.00

August 25  Cemetery Walking Tour  $848.00

September 29 Food Booth  $764.00

December 3-20 Silent Auction  $800.00

Candy Bar Sales for 2018  $800.00

531 South Fulton Street / PO BOX 53, Princeton, WI 54968 / Regular Business Hours 7:00AM - Noon & 1:00- 3:30PM Mon. thru Fri. (920) 295-6612