City of Princeton 

Home of the Famous Flea Market and Historic Downtown on the Fox

Cemetery Restoration Project

Cemetery Sexton: Gary Fenske (920) 369-6160

Princeton City Hall:  (920) 295-6612

Spring/summer artificial flowers and other memorial items may be placed on gravesites between the dates of May 1 through October 15th.   Any items remaining after October 15th will be disposed of.

Christmas wreaths may be placed on the gravesites after Thanksgiving but shall be removed by the following April 1st or will be disposed of by the Cemetery Sexton.


2023 Cemetery Walking Tour Date - Saturday August 26, 2023

The 2023 Cemetery Walking Tour had the portrayal of 10 individuals who are buried in the City Cemetery.  Featured this year were Morris Swed (portrayed by Ernie Pulvermacher) a local store owner/businessman, Arnold Ross (Pastor John Stelter) resident & Fire Fighter, Mary Ann Halonen (Mary Lou Neubauer) Veteran from WWII, Carrie Kelsey (Sue Gorr) Civil War widow, Edward "Tiff" Kolleck (Pastor Bruce Hanneman) local barber & musician, Doris Giese (Carol Graff) Princeton public school office worker, John Nelson (Will Gorr) Veteran WWII, Lorraine Otto (Naomi Pulvermacher) Princeton Public School teacher, Vashti Merrill (Linda Ottman) resident from a Princeton pioneer family, and Charlotte Schwarze (Ava Kuklinski) local resident with family ties still in the area.  

2022 Cemetery Walking Tour Date - Saturday August 27, 2022

The 2022 Cemetery Walking Tour Date is Saturday August 27th.  Held at the Princeton City Cemetery on Hwy 73 and Cty Trk J.  Tour times are 1:30pm and 4:00 p.m.   This years portrayals will be of great interest and include: 

The walking tour portrayals start with J. William Worm, who was one of the first Fire Chiefs for Princeton.  He is being portrayed by first time actor and current Princeton Fire and Rescue Chief Ernie Pulvermacher.  Returning actress Sue Gorr is portraying Mary Farnsworth Green.  Both Mary and Sue had careers as teachers.  First time actor Isaac Pappenfuss is portraying Fox River Locks Tender Gottlieb Jahnke.  Returning actress, City of Princeton Administrator/Clerk/Treasurer, Mary Lou Neubauer, will be portraying Elsa Rimpler.  Elsa’s husband, Albert, was also a clerk and treasurer for Princeton.  First time actress Claudia Tibbetts is portraying Edna Whittemore, returning actress, Linda Ottman is portraying Audrey Kasakaitas, and first time actress, Naomi Pulvermacher is portraying Cherryl Kasakaitas.  Edna, Audrey, and Cherryl are related as Grandmother, Mother, and Daughter respectively.  First time actress Carol Graff, is portraying Daisy Huber who lived to be over 100 years old.  First time actor Marine Veteran Will Gorr is portraying Daisy’s son Gregory Huber who was a Marine Veteran who served Vietnam.  Will Gorr is doing double duty, by doing 2 portrayals the same day and about ½ hour between portrayals.  Will’s other portrayal will be Active Duty Marine Roman Jankowski, who is buried in St John the Baptist Catholic Cemetery and was killed in WWII.  When it is time for Will to portray Roman Jankowski, the tour will stop by the Catholic Cemetery, the tour will not go thru the Catholic Cemetery.  And, last but certainly not least is returning actor Pastor John Stelter portraying Warren Wachholz.  Warren had lots of community involvement and a worked as a mortician. 



2021 Cemetery Walking Tour - Saturday August 28, 2021

The 2021 Cemetery Walking Tour was held Saturday, August 28th and there was also a Sunday Event (8/29) featuring individuals buried in the Catholic Cemetery.

City Cemetery portrayals include: Jacob Heyn, Vicar from St. John Lutheran Church will be portraying wagon maker August Swanke; Linda Ottman and Harvey Nickel will be portraying farmers Ellis and Rozella Brown; Mary Lou Neubauer will be portraying Adele (Della) Kannenberg while Pastor John Stelter will be portraying Della's son Donald Kannenberg and Ron Kannenberg will be portraying his father (and also Della's son), Frank Kannenberg.  Their story will include business owners and the lives of the sons including a time they were in WWII; Laura Skalitzky, Princeton Library Director will be portraying Elisabeth McDonald; Sue Gorr, portraying Rosina Krueger, and Chris Metras, Princeton School Administrator will be portraying George Kelly who was a Princeton Public School Principal.

2020 Cemetery Walking Tour - Saturday August 29, 2020

The Cemetery Walking Tour was held Saturday August 29th.  Portrayed was a vast mixture of individuals buried in our Cemetery which featured an interesting combination of facts with a touch of personal information on our forefathers.  Featured in the 2020 tour are:  Chris Metras as Richard Luedtke; Pastor John Stelter as Leon Ryder, Laura Skalatzky as Myrtle Ryder; Carol Siddall as Helen Lewis; Sue Gorr as Lovina Thompson; Dave Dugenske as David Eygabroad; Linda Ottman  as Mariah Eygabroad (with Harvey Nickel); Alyssa Schmidt as Irmagard Mounce; Mary Lou Neubauer as Anita Dahlke; and Vicar Drew Dey as Arthur Luedtke.

2019 Cemetery Walking Tour Saturday August 24, 2019

The 2019 Cemetery Walking Tour "Tombstones Come Alive" was held August 24, 2019.   This years tour included a brief history on Carl Albert, boilermaker for the Soo Line Railroad, by Dave Dugenske;  Lena Baker, Supper Club owner by Mary Lou Neubauer; Lena Siepert, wife of a Harness Shop owner by Alaina Sowieja; Martin Van Buren, Farmer & 2nd Cousin to President Van Buren by James Fraiser;  Maria McIntyre, Civil War era by Sue Gorr; Sarah Fowler, relatives were in the Revolutionary War by Carol Siddall; Gustave Teske Sr, General Merchandise Store Owner by Pastor John Stelter; Gena Prachel, Midwife by Linda Ottman;  Albert Eygabroad, Civil War Veteran, Jamie Williams; and Dr. Norbert and Louise Dahlke, Veterinarian and County Home Economist by Ron Hatfield & Mary Fritsch. 


2018 Cemetery Walking Tour August 25, 2018

The 2018 "actors" who portrayed those from the past.
The 2018 "actors" who portrayed those from the past.

Saturday, August 25, 2018 the "Tombstones Come Alive" second annual walking tour highlighted 12 individuals from Princeton's past.  Among those highlighted will be Olive Doyle - early Librarian, Herman "Ham" Megow - meat market owner, Edward Mevis - banker, Polly Harvey Rawson from the Civil War era and eight others.   This historical event also highlighted the extensive work done in the city cemetery to preserve the monuments and grave sites over the past year.  

Click on the "2018 Cemetery Walking Tour" heading above for a printable version of the days event brochure.



Cemetery Project Vision and Overview

The restoration has several components: 

1)  Cataloging and Indexing Grave Sites            2)  Monument and Grounds Clean-up

3)  Monument and dedication of Potter's Field    4)  Restoration of Monuments and Burial Sites

5)  Designation of War Veterans Sites


2018 Historic Newspaper Articles

"Scenes of the Past" are Historical articles which are published in the Princeton Times on the 2nd and 4th Thursdays from February through November. This link contains a reprint of the stories which have been published.

2017 Historic Newspaper Articles

"Scenes of the Past" are Historical articles which are published in the Princeton Times on the 2nd and 4th Thursdays from February through November. Following are a reprint of the stories which have been published.


2017 Cemetery Walking Tour August 26, 2017

The first annual Cemetery Walking Tour took place on August 26, 2017.  "Tombstones Come Alive" provided portrayals of 12 individuals who helped form Princeton's History, along with highlighting the ongoing cemetery restoration project.


Repairing and Cleaning Headstones

Many stones in the cemetery are in the excess of 100 years old.  Stone restoration can include clearing overgrowth or cleaning of the stone, or may be more extensive and include actual stone repair.  The City has engaged the services of a professional to undertake those with extensive repairs needed.

Potters Field

Potter's Field was recognized and a monument was dedicated in November 2015.  Through the efforts of the City Employees and local monument dealer Tom Nikolai, the stone with engraving of "Remember Me Now, Forget Me Never" has been placed as a memorial to all.

Fund Raising and Donations


The Restoration Project has been fund raising to cover the project costs.  Donations have come from private parties, civic groups, and bake sales.  A donation plaque is placed on the building honoring those who have provided a financial contribution.  Pictured is a donation received from the local VFW Post which started the fund base.


Information Center/Signage for the Cemetery

Located on the storage shed, the Cemetery Information Board was added in 2015.  The map display shows the unique "clover leaf" design, along with current events and upcoming fund raisers. There also is a plaque honoring those who have donated to the Restoration Project. A donation of $50.00 or more will generate a plaque in your honor. As part of an Eagle Scout Project, Jack Peters of rural Berlin, built the sign for the front of the building and erected a flag pole by the Gravesite of the Unknown Soldier.

Preserving 100 Year Old Maps

The need to preserve the paper maps from the 1800's proved to be a challenge until we discussed the project with Linda and Russell Forbess of "Seams Old".  Being recommended by the Wisconsin State Historical Society, Linda preserved our maps for years to come. 

531 South Fulton Street / PO BOX 53, Princeton, WI 54968 / Regular Business Hours 7:00AM - Noon & 1:00- 3:30PM Mon. thru Fri. (920) 295-6612