City of Princeton 

Home of the Famous Flea Market and Historic Downtown on the Fox

Bird City Wisconsin

Princeton now part of Bird City Wisconsin!

        Princeton was recently added to the list of cities in Wisconsin considered “Bird Cities”. Becoming a part of the Bird Cities is not only important to the administration of Princeton but to everyone involved with the project. To become a bird city the city of Princeton had to meet at least seven of the twenty-two criteria markings, which they met nine of.

        Bird City is a very positive program not only encouraging conservation, but positive community outreach, and community pride. There are at least a dozen reasons why to become a bird city, and Princeton is now proud to be involved in and reaping the many benefits it offers.

        One positive is that of community pride, not only does Bird City create the ideal place for birds; it makes everything more beautiful making it better for people too! Bird City also makes it easier to reach people with “green” information. Being a part of the Bird City program is a positive reflection on the community making it that more likely to be a spot for tourism. The health of our native birds is very important to our eco-system. Bird City helps to sustain healthy, functioning natural systems in the community and the world. Wild birds not only are beautiful, but necessary to pollinate flowers, and keep insect populations down. Bird City is not something only done for beauty it is a smart economic move, without our native birds we would have to spend thousands of dollars more on harmful pesticides. It is also a money maker, bird watching is a fast growing hobby in the United States, people travel to see birds, and spend money on feeders to support, and protect bird habitats. Having more birds around is great for everyone! It’s fun and relaxing to watch birds, and it’s an activity everyone can take part in, getting kids interested in nature is another great plus, kids who spend time out doors are healthier. By becoming a bird city we are supporting our community and children in a happy and healthy life style.  

Click below for a map of the White River Marsh State Wildlife Area.

Click here to visit the official Bird City Wisconsin recognition of Princeton website.

531 South Fulton Street / PO BOX 53, Princeton, WI 54968 / Regular Business Hours 7:00AM - Noon & 1:00- 3:30PM Mon. thru Fri. (920) 295-6612