City of Princeton 

Home of the Famous Flea Market and Historic Downtown on the Fox


This Calendar is an overview of the City services provided.  For questions on any activity, contact City Hall at 920-295-6612.
Recycling Pick-up
Leaf and Brush Pick-up (weather permitting)
Recycling Pick-Up
City Council Meeting
Leaf and Brush Pick-Up (weather permitting)
Recycling Pick-Up
Leaf and Brush Pick-Up
Recycling Pick-Up
City Council Meeting
Brush and Leaf Pick-up
Last updated 1/3/2025
531 South Fulton Street / PO BOX 53, Princeton, WI 54968 / Regular Business Hours 7:00AM - Noon & 1:00- 3:30PM Mon. thru Fri. (920) 295-6612